Daily Retreat 01/20/09
2009 Jan 20 Tue: Ordinary Weekday/ Fabian, pp, mt/ Sebastian, mt
Heb 6: 10-20/ Ps 110(111): 1-2. 4-5. 9 and 10c/ Mk 2: 23-28
From today’s readings: “God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love you have demonstrated for His Name by having served and continuing to serve the holy ones.... The Lord will remember His covenant for ever.... the Son of Man is lord even of the Sabbath.”
Forward or Reverse in Faith?
There’s no room for complacency in the Christian faith, because our faith is something living - like a plant, at any given time, faith either will be growing, or decaying. This is a crucial passage of Hebrews: the lectionary omits 5:11-6:9 with its severe warnings against apostasy, the shameful act of backpedaling in matters of faith.
The lectionary omission allows us to focus more on what is encouraged in these verses: faith, full speed ahead! Scripture assures us that God has sworn an oath to convince in the most solemn way possible that He will be faithful, that He will be with us as we move forward in faith.
But it’s up to us to take the steps forward in faith. Instead of an attitude of resting on the laurels of yesterday’s faith, you and I need to realize that God is with us this day, encouraging us to take a step closer to Him and make a deeper commitment to living the fullness of our faith!
Heb 6: 10-20/ Ps 110(111): 1-2. 4-5. 9 and 10c/ Mk 2: 23-28
From today’s readings: “God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love you have demonstrated for His Name by having served and continuing to serve the holy ones.... The Lord will remember His covenant for ever.... the Son of Man is lord even of the Sabbath.”
Forward or Reverse in Faith?
There’s no room for complacency in the Christian faith, because our faith is something living - like a plant, at any given time, faith either will be growing, or decaying. This is a crucial passage of Hebrews: the lectionary omits 5:11-6:9 with its severe warnings against apostasy, the shameful act of backpedaling in matters of faith.
The lectionary omission allows us to focus more on what is encouraged in these verses: faith, full speed ahead! Scripture assures us that God has sworn an oath to convince in the most solemn way possible that He will be faithful, that He will be with us as we move forward in faith.
But it’s up to us to take the steps forward in faith. Instead of an attitude of resting on the laurels of yesterday’s faith, you and I need to realize that God is with us this day, encouraging us to take a step closer to Him and make a deeper commitment to living the fullness of our faith!
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