Daily Retreat 03/22/08
Gn 1:1--2:2/ Ps 103(104) or Ps 32(33)
Gn 22:1-18/ Ps 15(16)
Ex 14:15--15:1/ Ex 15 canticle
Is 54:5-14/ Ps 29(30)
Is 55:1-11/ Is 12 canticle
Bar 3:9-15.32--4:4/ Ps 18(19)
Ez 36:16-28/ Ps 41(42) or Ps 50(51)
Rom 6:3-11/ Ps 117(118)
Mt 28:1-10
In earlier times, the faithful would keep a sacred vigil throughout
entire night, waiting for the dawn of the Easter resurrection. Now,
parishes are allowed to begin the Easter Vigil Mass anytime after
sundown. The Vigil begins with the lighting of the new Easter fire and
candle, then after the singing of the Exultet, a rich selection of
scripture readings follow.
These readings (indicated above) form a synopsis of salvation history
the time of Christ, starting with Creation, continuing with the
liberation of the Exodus, and then the unfolding of the prophetic
promises of the Messiah.
Even if you don't normally read the Bible, take the time tonight to
through ALL these scripture passages as the ideal way to prayerfully
finish your preparation for Easter.
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