Virtual Retreat

Daily scriptural reflections by Fr. Rory Pitstick, SSL from Immaculate Heart Retreat Center in Spokane, WA
Also available via daily email

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Daily Retreat 11/20/06

2006 Nov 20 Mon: Ordinary Weekday
Rv 1: 1-4; 2: 1-5/ Ps 1: 1-2. 3. 4 and 6/ Lk 18: 35-43

From today’s readings:  “Blessed are those who listen to this prophetic message and heed what is written in it, for the appointed time is near....  The LORD watches over the way of the just, but the way of the wicked vanishes....  As Jesus approached Jericho a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging, and hearing a crowd going by, he inquired what was happening....”

Call All the More

Like the blind man in Jericho, many modern Christians are rebuked by others for any kind of public display of faith, as if one’s belief in God were merely a private, inconsequential matter of opinion.  But unlike the persistent blind beggar, who courageously called to Jesus all the more, too many Christians cowardly acquiesce to the crabby crowd’s calls for silence.

But that, of course, is the wrong response.  For Jesus rewarded the blind man with a most insightful response: “See!  Your faith has saved you!”  Because his faith was stronger than the attempts to gag it, the blind man was able to make the most of his encounter with Christ.

All of us likewise seek an insightful response from Jesus for our prayers - and how many times in the Gospels, in word and example, Jesus promises His response to persistent prayer!  So, whenever others try to muzzle our legitimate cries of faith, the Christian response is simple: call on Jesus all the more!