Virtual Retreat

Daily scriptural reflections by Fr. Rory Pitstick, SSL from Immaculate Heart Retreat Center in Spokane, WA
Also available via daily email

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Daily Retreat 10/15/06

Wis 7: 7-11/ Ps 89(90): 12-13. 14-15. 16-17 (14)/ Heb 4: 12-13/ Mk 10: 17-30

From today’s readings:  “I prayed, and prudence was given me; I pleaded, and the spirit of wisdom came to me....  Fill us with Your love, O Lord, and we will sing for joy!...  Indeed the Word of God is living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating even between soul and spirit....  Jesus, looking at him, loved him and said to him, ‘You are lacking in one thing. Go, sell what you have, and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow Me.’ ”

What’s Wisdom Worth?

Success stories of "Rags to riches" continue to pop-up in newspapers, but how many modern "fool to wiseman" parables are published? In this age of technological marvels, people have a frenzied focus which insists that there’s no price or sacrifice too great to pay for the next scientific breakthrough.  Conversely, there’s little interest at all in pursuing WISDOM - some are skeptical that such as thing as true wisdom even exists, and of those who recognize wisdom as something real and worthwhile, so many have a fatalistic view: people are "lucky" who are marked by wisdom in their lives, but wisdom is certainly not something that can be pursued like financial success can.

So the Sunday scriptures can seem surreal - how can anyone appraise wisdom (which is so abstract!) above scepter and throne, riches, gems, gold, silver, even health and comeliness (which are so concrete!)?  How can the Word of God be sharper than any two-edged sword? How can Jesus demand more (too much, in fact!) from a good-hearted, well-intentioned, God- fearing, lovable and loving rich young man?

The answers are all connected. To be wise simply means to see consequences from a bigger perspective and make decisions accordingly. Since God sees all consequences, true wisdom is present anytime a person chooses what God reveals to be the best choice. Too often though, what God reveals to be the best choice is not at all what we figure to be the best choice. That’s why we need the sharp, penetrating Word of God, "able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart."  Wisdom CAN be pursued, but only when we’ve been cured of the paralysis of materialism.