Daily Retreat 07/15/06
2006 Jul 15 Sat: Bonaventure, bp, r, dr M
Is 6: 1-8/ Ps 92(93): 1ab. 1cd-2. 5/ Mt 10: 24-33
From today’s readings: “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts!... The
Lord is king; He is robed in majesty.... Do not be afraid of those who
kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather, be afraid of the one who
can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna. ”
Association with Christ
Jesus made it pretty clear to His Apostles about what they could expect
from the world on account of their association with Christ. Basically,
the way the world treated Jesus would be the pattern for the way the
world treated His disciples. Just as Jesus, for example, was accused
with being in league with the spirit of Evil, so would His Apostles be
similarly maligned.
But, Jesus also made it clear why His Apostles shouldn’t fear
denunciation by the world. The Providence of God extends to even the
smallest tings, such as the hairs of one’s head. This being the case,
nothing that happens can escape divine scrutiny, and this awareness must
always inspire and govern our actions and attitudes.
Which means, for example, that commitment to Christ must permeate the
entire person - it’s not sufficient to just do a list of external tasks
that give some witness to faith, if one’s thoughts and hidden actions
undermine or even contradict the faith.
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