Daily Retreat 02/10/06
2006 Feb 10 Fri: Scholastica, v, r M
1 Kgs 11: 29-32; 12: 19/ Ps 80(81): 10-11ab. 12-13. 14-15/ Mk 7: 31-37
From todays readings: "Israel went into rebellion against Davids house to this day.... My people heard not My voice, and Israel obeyed Me not.... He has done all things well. He makes the deaf hear and the mute speak!"
Dealing with Disaster
Gods mercy, though infinite, is still in no way some impervious force which shields us from the effects of sins freely chosen. Gods mercy is never imposed - it must be embraced freely, but that cannot be done as long as our arms are still holding tight to our sins. The first reading recounts the rebellion of Israel which resulted from the stubborn sins of Solomon. The exasperation of God Himself is heard in the psalm: "If only My people would hear me, and Israel walk in My ways, quickly would I humble their enemies; against their foes I would turn My hand!"
The tragic effects of sin can be seen all around us. The only way to deal with this disaster is to relinquish our own sins so that we are free again to embrace Gods mercy, and pray and assist others to open their ears to Gods plea to return to Him.
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