Virtual Retreat

Daily scriptural reflections by Fr. Rory Pitstick, SSL from Immaculate Heart Retreat Center in Spokane, WA
Also available via daily email

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Daily Retreat 01/12/06

2006 Jan 12 Thu: Ordinary Weekday

1 Sm 4: 1-11/ Ps 43(44): 10-11. 14-15. 24-25/ Mk 1: 40-45

From today’s readings: " The elders of Israel said, ‘Why has the LORD permitted us to be defeated today by the Philistines?’ Redeem us, Lord, because of Your mercy.... Moved with pity, Jesus stretched out His hand, touched the leper....."


God's Side

The Old Testament is full of incredible battle accounts which relate great victories of God's people against humanly impossible odds. Less memorable, but also chronicled in the Bible, are details of ignoble defeats of the Israelites.

So, was God on their side, or not? If God was on their side, that certainly explains the miraculous victories. But then, if the almighty God was on their side, how could they ever lose, as, for instance, the time of the disastrous battle against the Philistines recorded in the first reading?

The question the Israelites should have asked (and that we should ask today) is not whether or not God is on our side, but whether or not we are on His side! God cannot be expected to endorse with His omnipotence every action of His people, especially when His people's actions are contrary to His will.

Compare the pathetic defeat recounted here in chapter 4, with the picture in chapter 7 of the First Book of Samuel, when the Israelites returned to God. When we align ourselves squarely with God and His will, then indeed He will give success to the work of our hands, and we will have the thrill of triumphantly surfing the waves of His invincibility!